Princess Irmingard Marie Josefa of Bavaria was born on May 29 1923 at Schloss Berchtesgaden, Bavaria. She was the second child and eldest of five daughters of Crown Prince Rupprecht of Bavaria and his second wife, Princess Antonia of Luxembourg.

Through her parents, Princess Irmingard was related to most of the royal houses of Europe. Prince Rupprecht was the eldest son of Ludwig III, the last King of Bavaria, and of Archduchess Maria Theresia of Austria-Este, niece of Duke Francis V of Modena. He also had a claim, through his mother, to be the Jacobite heir to the thrones of England, Ireland, Scotland and France, as Robert I and IV. Princess Antonia was the daughter of Guillaume IV, Grand Duke of Luxembourg and Marie Anne, a princess of the house of Braganza. Princess Irmingard was a half-sister of Albrecht, Duke of Bavaria.

Prince Rupprecht had been one of the most respected royal commanders in the Imperial German Army of the First World War, but lost his chance to rule Bavaria when it became a republic in 1918, bringing to an end 738 years of Wittelsbach rule.

Prince Rupprecht disliked the Weimar constitution, but was never attracted by the far Right. On the night of the "Beer Hall Putsch" of November 8 1923, when Hitler attempted to seize power with the ostensible aim of restoring the Bavarian monarchy, the prince refused to lend his support, earning Hitler's eternal enmity.

Instead he came to an agreement with the state of Bavaria under which the most important of the Wittelsbach palaces, including Neuschwanstein and Linderhof, were given to the Bavarian people, while the family retained ownership of a number of castles and a right of residency in several other properties.

With the worsening of the Great Depression in 1932, a plan was floated to give Rupprecht emergency powers in Bavaria, but Hitler's appointment as chancellor in 1933 put paid to the idea. The same year the Prince discontinued his summer visits to Berchtesgaden to avoid any encounters with Hitler, who had a summer home in the area. The following year he told King George V at a lunch in London that he considered the Nazi leader to be insane.

The Nazis acted quickly to quell dissent. Friends of the family were imprisoned; the King and Country League, the major monarchist group in Bavaria, was dissolved, and Prince Rupprecht found himself excluded from public life. When plebiscites were held to confirm the Nazi takeover, it was widely reported that the prince and his wife had refused to cast their votes.

Prince Rupprecht decided to send his children to be educated in England to avoid his son Henry being pressured to join the Hitler Youth or his daughters becoming members of the League of German Girls. In 1936 Irmingard and her sister Editha were sent to the Convent of the Sacred Heart at Roehampton, where they were later joined by their younger sisters, Hilda and Gabrielle, and by several cousins.

Prince Rupprecht was forced into exile in Italy in December 1939 (the last straw being the confiscation of the family's Schloss Leutstetten by the Nazis), where he stayed as a guest of King Victor Emmanuel, residing mostly in Florence. His wife and children joined him in 1940, and Irmingard was eventually sent to continue her studies in Padua. The family was barred from returning to Germany.

After the unsuccessful attempt to assassinate Hitler in July 1944, Prince Rupprecht went into hiding and eventually made contact with the Allies. The Gestapo took Princess Antonia and her three youngest daughters into custody in northern Italy and transported them by train to Innsbruck. Princess Antonia, who was suffering from typhus, was left in a hospital there while her daughters were transported to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp at Oranienburg in Brandenburg.

At the end of January 1945 they were joined by Princess Irmingard, though at first they did not recognise her as she had lost all her hair. She had been arrested by the Gestapo while on holiday at Lake Garda. Because she, too, contracted typhus she had been sent to the same Innsbruck hospital as her mother. Eventually the medical staff decided they were well enough to be transferred to Sachsenhausen. They took the train north to Weimar, but at this point they were separated.

The girls were later transferred to the concentration camps at Flossenbürg and Dachau, before being freed by the American Third Army on April 30 1945. Crown Princess Antonia was discovered in a hospital in Jena, southwest of Leipzig. She weighed only five and a half stone.

Princess Antonia never recovered completely from the ordeal and died a few years later in Switzerland, having vowed never to return to Germany. Prince Rupprecht returned to Schloss Leutstetten in September 1945. Meanwhile Irmingard and her sisters sought refuge with relatives in Luxembourg.

In 1950 Irmingard married her first cousin, Prince Ludwig of Bavaria. A civil wedding took place at Leutstetten and the religious ceremony followed a day later at Schloss Nymphenburg in Munich. After her father's death in 1955, the couple moved into Schloss Leutstetten, where Princess Irmingard continued to live after her husband's death in 2008.

The couple had three children: two daughters who died in infancy and a son, Prince Luitpold of Bavaria, who runs Kaltenberg, one of Bavaria's most successful breweries.
